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Bringing to light that dog owners are on high alert for lethal canine distemper epidemics in the laid-back, pet-friendly Dubai.
Veterinarians concurred that the number of cases in the UAE have suddenly increased. Recent reports from veterinarians and pet owners stated that precautionary measures should be given high priority since some dogs have perished and many have contracted an infection.
A virus that targets the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems of puppies and dogs is the source of the infectious and dangerous disease known as canine distemper.It is a viral disease that is very contagious and frequently lethal.
Puppies under the age of four months are considered to be at high danger. The canine’s immunity is a vulnerability for distemper.
Unvaccinated dogs and immunocompromised pets are at risk. Big dogs have a 50% probability of surviving. About 20% of puppies and medium-sized dogs have a chance of surviving.
Since there is no therapy for the distemper virus, care must be taken to minimize its symptoms and any secondary infections. Canine distemper must be prevented through vaccination. Supportive care, the management of neurologic symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, and the provision of fluids are the usual components of treatment.
The diagnosis can be confirmed by a number of laboratory tests, including blood and smear testing. Some of these tests may also be used to rule out other infections.
Canine distemper disease is a condition from which one can fully recover. The likelihood of recovery is typically influenced by the immune system and distemper strain that the dog has contracted. For a full recovery, up to two months may pass.
The advantages of choosing a Furry Luxury Livings are that your dog will receive lots of love and care while being in a setting that is comparable to what you offer at home.
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